Over 25 years of history...

Spirit Filled Christian Fellowship, Inc. was formally founded and established by Pastor Leonila "Nellie" Nuesca in 1995 on the island of Oahu.  Her ministry actually dates back a few years earlier when the Lord had called her to be a pastor back in 1993, after she experienced her third miraculous healing in her life.  She was called to the healing ministry.  The ministry started off small with just a few people in a small bible study group in her home,  later growing into Sunday services in their garage.  Soon after, they had built a small facility on their property in Waipahu, where it has housed SFCF, Inc for over 25 years.  Throughout those years, Pastor Nellie and its members had seen and experienced God's miraculous healing powers, and seen many people saved.  Because she was on fire for the Lord and she had a heart to save the lost, she managed to expand the ministry to her homeland in Laoag, Philippines in 2006.  Presently, along side the church in Laoag, SFCF Inc has also secured a home church in both Solsona & Vintar, and we are seeing many souls being saved.  The Philippines had many outreaches and has even expanded to Radio Ministry, where this has reach many and we've heard of many healings even through the airways.  Today, you can listen to a live broadcast on Facebook.  We know that it was Pastor's hearts desire for many lives to be saved, the gospel shared to all the nations, but above all, that everyone could see that God was a miraculous healing God.

Unfortunately, in September 2021, our beloved Pastor & Founder Pastor Nellie Nuesca has gone home to be with the Lord.  But her work, her teachings and ministry will always be a part of this church. Today, her eldest son, Pastor Derrick Nuesca along with his family, has continued on her legacy and God's calling upon SFCF.  The church on Oahu as well as the Philippines remains and continues to grow.  Our goal and vision remains the same, which is to reach more souls, teach and show them God's grace and miracles, as well as revival within us and throughout the nations.